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Reen Sanderse is member of various art groups:
Leading Art Iran,
Art NÄ°ÄžDE Int, Turkey 
PAS, Portugal
Honourable associate from Bangiya Kala Kendra, Mumbai India.
FIAG, South Korea.
Intregation India
Chang Kil Hwan Art Museum, Zuid Korea

Art for cause, India
Acces, France

art for cause.jpg
art nidge.jpg
intrigation India.jpg





Gogyoshi Art Project international becomes:

Genuine Art Projects international.

Gogyoshi Art Project international was based and inspired by the gogyoshi written by Taro Aizu, which were based upon the disaster that took place at Fukushima, 11 march 2011. Since then a lot of things have changed, so we change as well.

And the cat licks. 2016.jpg

'The cat, ignorant, licks the cesium rain, from its wet fur'.

Gogyoshy from Taro Aizu

Icoon in box

icoon in doosje.jpg



2003 Reen Sanderse and Robert van Rijn were traveling trough Spain, when they visited a pelgrimage in Andujar and Cabeze. They were overwhelmed by the emotions and colorfull dresses of the pelgrims. Robert was shooting a large amount of photos, analoog, and Reen absorted the images to work out later in her studio. They decided to visit more pelgrimages in the coming years and the gave the project the name 'PelgrimRage'


for further information see:


Selfportrait drawing community


Initiated by Ed Hanssen

An international group of artists draw their own selfportrait since 2015 and post them to Ed Hanssen. Several international exhibitions followed, amongst Finland, The Netherlands and Germany

for information see:


Selfportrait 2000

Exhibition l 'Eau c'est  la vie,


Expositie Hoofdwacht 2010.jpg



Inititated by Anela Boogard, artist


A 3 days exhibition during the Kunstlijn, in de 'Hoofdwacht' op de Grote Markt van Haarlem, the Netherlands in 2010. Also with Reen Sanderse and Robert van Rijn, they exposed a part of their project PelgrimRage and Reen's project l 'Eau c'est la vie. See the photo's from the project on this side.

l 'Eau c'est la vie


Initiated by Reen Sanderse

When they visited the pelgrimage of the gypsys in Saintes-Maries-de la Mere, France in 2009, Reen was touched by the drawings of the childeren they made for this pelgrimage, on one of these drawings a child wrote: l 'eau c'est la vie. Working out her obeservations Reen decided to start her own project within PelgrimRage based on this words: 'water is the source of our live', the outcome you can see on the page PelgrimRage.



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Kunstkabinet d 'Oude Winkel


In oktober 2013 Robert and Reen moved to the district Zeeuws Vlaaderen. the Netherlands. They had found an old object (1925) with a shop and a house with a big garden, and opposit a nature reserve. They saw many opportunitys to make a good living with a gallery, photostudio and artstudio. Inspite of the work what still has left, they opened the gallery in 2016.

see also:

Closed per 2020

Interior Kunstkabinet d 'Oude Winkel

Exhibitions 1992-2000


1992                       Kloostergangen Haarlem, group exhibition              1992                       Schalkwijk uit de Kunst, group exhibition

1993                       Provinciale Waterstaat Haarlem, solo

1993                       Galerie Robert Pieter Alofsen, Haarlem, solo

1994/1995              Arto Kune, group exhibitions  in 12 districts of

                               the Netherlands

1995                        Centrum de Nieuwe Vaart, Hilversum, solo

1994 t/m 1997       Kunstlijn Haarlem


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